In the case of surveys - Well yes it can! But, is it worth all the hassle? You must have a clear idea of what you are trying to achieve and of the trustworthy sites that you will get paid from and what amounts you are likely to make. Writing Blogs? We'll see! I also look at Paid to Read and some other Affiliate Programs

Sunday, 8 June 2008

ClickBux finally bites the dust?

I've written a few times in the past about ClickBux and what I thought would be the eventual demise. Well it finally seems to have happened. I've logged on and clicked for ages - never in expectation of payment - and today when I tried to acess the site I got a short glimpse of a site suspended message before it jumped to an ad.

Now this has happened at least once before so it may not be the real end yet but I would have thought so. ClickBux was notable for carrying all the ads a self-respecting site admin would have refused [and I suspect many of them were self-sourced] so it is no great loss!

RIP ClickBux?

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