In the case of surveys - Well yes it can! But, is it worth all the hassle? You must have a clear idea of what you are trying to achieve and of the trustworthy sites that you will get paid from and what amounts you are likely to make. Writing Blogs? We'll see! I also look at Paid to Read and some other Affiliate Programs

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

GetRef Is No Scam!

I was pottering about this evening doing some housework on my blogs and when I looked on Google Analytics I found that this blog had been attracting some traffic on the search term "getref scam". Well I have been a member of GetRef for some time and I have nothing but good things to say about it - read my earlier post.

There are users who will try and get your credits by claiming to have signed up under you but haven't. Even worse, in my view, are those that do sign up under you wait until you give them their credits and then never click again.

But let's get it clear GetRef as a concept is brilliant - it is well administered and used wisely will help you build your downlines effectively. If you have arrived here trying to check if GetRef is a scam do me a favour and leave a comment as to why you think it might be.

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From 13 May 2008

Recently the word scam seems to have become a common word on most PTC related communities. This isn’t a good thing as for a long while the PTC industry has been drying up on new advertisers. Many of the outside advertises are still sceptical of the PTC advertising method so they look to forums and blogs to find out more which is where they are put off by the scam spam.

According to the dictionary the word scam means “a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, esp. for making a quick profit; swindle.” This would mean the fraudster would have to be using a site for the soul purpose of defrauding the member’s right from the start. Because this has defiantly been the case with many PTC sites in the past it has now caused a paranoia effect where some people jump on this word at the slightest sign.

It has now come to a stage that if a member’s payment goes a day over due that member will then go to a popular PTC community and insists that they were “scammed”. Quite often it’s a cheater who has been caught and just wants to get a last word in but sometimes it is someone simply jumping to conclusions without being objective.


The most logical example for this growing trend is members on the audit wait at It’s a fact that is the largest and most popular PTC site and therefore has the longest audit waits. For a premium member the TOS states 30 business days after request till you are paid. For standard members it is 60 business days.

With over 6million members last reported it is evident that even these durations are too short for the site to payout on time and they are indeed not making these dead lines. However this does not mean it is a scam. The TOS also states that they cannot be held responsible for work stoppages which are commonly caused by mass support tickets.

This is a nasty cycle because the people who lose patience waiting file a support ticket but then so does another 100,000 that day each requiring an examination of their account. A PTC site is always under pressure to answer their support tickets so they cannot avoid even a low priority ticket while they could be doing a more important process such as payment audits. Audits themselves are a high priority and take a lot of time no matter what you know about PHP. If you have 1 million members asking for payment there are numerous cheat checks required for each.

Simple Answer? Stop taking new members until they are able to cope with the numbers they have. I am one of those complaining I requested payment on 18 Dec 2007 and had sufficient patience not to raise a support ticket until 28 April 2008.

I'm sorry but if they are unable to trade and within their terms and conditions they should be stopped from operating. For my own part I will wait until 28 May 2008 and as the Whois Database gives a .de reference I shall raise the matter with the German Police. If they are stupid enough to fill their pages with "success" stories boasting of $10,000 payments then they deserve to be subjected to rigorous investigation.

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Monday, 5 May 2008

Word from Wordlinx

Cheap Upgrades to End

Sent out as a paid ad to those who choose to take them has been a new entry on the Wordlinx blog. There are to be important changes to the site:

"Over the last few months we have been developing a brand new system to provide more paid adverts for everyone. It's unlike anything you have ever seen before. It has been custom built from the ground up with a unique design and brand new features.

We plan to release the system on May 15th 2008 GMT. As the system will create many more adverts for all members, our Verified membership will increase in price from $5 to $10 per year on May 30th 2008 GMT. This does not affect members who are currently subscribed. Current Verified membership holders will continue to pay $5 per year until they cancel their subscription through PayPal. Only new Verified members will have to pay the new $10 price".

I've been earning quite well on Wordlinx so have decided to take the upgrade. Wow! I was astonished at how many extra ads I got to see. It will only take a month or so to pay for the upgrades and I got 100 ads to go with it. Very good value. If you are not a member of Wordlinx yet get over to it now and take advantage of the cheap upgrade.

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Is The Marketplace Full?

How Many Paid To Click Sites Will Survive?

There seems to be few days pass where we don’t find the launch of a new Paid to Click (PTC) site. Some of them come blazing in with a fanfare, the admin has obviously spotted the need for a wide range of advertising to get the initial members, whilst others enter the market with something of a whimper.

I’m getting very doubtful about the number of sites that can be realistically supported. OK, I know someone reading this is thinking about the Billions of Internet users out there however when a well established site like Donkeymails has only 192,000 users and Adbux boasts of 829,000 members then that really is about the size of user base available at the moment. There will be a continuing trickle of new users but the market is not increasing at the massive rate it was doing so earlier this year.

What then for the future? Plenty of the recent crop of PTC sites including one which has paid me [Eurocent Bux] have, after a bright start, settled down to just 4 or 5 ads per day. I’m beginning to wonder whether it might be in the best interests of both site admins and users to see some mergers in the market leaving us a smaller number of PTC sites but with a greater likelihood of being paid.

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Sunday, 4 May 2008

Scam Warning – SebasBux

I should start by saying that I have yet to receive first-hand confirmation that this Paid to Click is a scam but look at the evidence.

Well where does site the name come from? This is clearly an attempt to trade on the name of the very highly regarded Paid to Read site operator Sebas Broekhoff. Sebas has a fully justified fantastic reputation as a site admin – and he always pays on time! The naming of this site seems to be a very cynical attempt to trade on his name. A look at the InterNIC Whois database shows the site owner to be Sebastian Laborda Mas based in Miralcamp, Spain.

The ads? Compare the ads which are available on this site and they bear little resemblance to those on other PTC sites. We have seen this previously – on sites that have folded!


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Saturday, 3 May 2008

Paid To Read Sites

The Power of PTP

When I first started out with this blog I was trying to see how much money I could make starting with nothing and slowly building up. I started out by signing up to some survey sites; a couple of PTC sites and a single PTR site ( which as you will see later is still one of my favourite sites). Sadly it was not for some months that I realised how wrong I was to not sign up for some PTR sites. Whilst the earnings may not seem too great to begin with if you stick with it you can earn much quicker than with PTC sites – and even better can get two or three pretty much on Auto-pilot.

Anyone who would like to follow my simple formula should as a first step join these three sites:


Worldwide Cash


When you join you will receive a confirmation email that will contain a link for you to click on and then you are up and running. In blogs later this week I shall give full instructions for getting the best out of each of these sites.

Each of these sites has PTP as an option and I will give a brief outline of how it operates. If when you have joined the site you select Paid to Promote you will find a link that you can use to advertise the site in the format:

If you click on the link you will see (in a new window) what happens when you click on my PTP link. You should also see that I have not received credit for you viewing the page. Why not? Well this is simply because you are restricted to which sites you can advertise the link on.

Why Bother? In exchange for advertising this page on an authorised site you receive PTP credits and, for example, on Donkeymails you receive $0.75 for each 1000 credits.

So where do you advertise the sites? Initially I would suggest on the other sites mentioned above.

How much does it cost? Well for some time I never paid to place a PTP ad but simply redeemed either points or cash from clicking on the other sites. For instance 625 points on WWC buys you 600 PTP ads that converts to about 100 – 125 Donkeymail PTP Credits.

Why for 600 views might I only get 100 credits? Views are tiered – for instance you may get 1 credit for a view from a person in US, Canada, UK or Australia but as little as 0.05 credits for a view from a person in China!

Before I finish for today I should quickly mention that I do very well out of credits on too!

Go on then – go and join them!

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