In the case of surveys - Well yes it can! But, is it worth all the hassle? You must have a clear idea of what you are trying to achieve and of the trustworthy sites that you will get paid from and what amounts you are likely to make. Writing Blogs? We'll see! I also look at Paid to Read and some other Affiliate Programs

Thursday, 25 October 2007

Paid to Click Delight

Gives Me Some Heart

One of the smaller sites I have been following for a while is EuroCentBux. This has around 2000 members and is bilingual (Anglo-French) offering a small number of ads each day.

Yesterday I spotted a new newsletter and the English was not exactly brilliant - in fact I found it easier to read the French version and I've not used French for many years (about 30!). I contacted the admin asking if he wanted me to tidy it up. This I did.

My next contact was the admin thanking me and offering me a free ad. What a gentleman! We hear so many stories of greed and avarice around online earings I thought it was wonderful to find someone acting so honourably. This has restored my faith somewhat in the industry.

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Monday, 22 October 2007

GetRef Review is a free to join site which has become absolutely central to all of my activity in Paid to Read (PTR) and Paid to Click (PTC) type programs. It is central to the development of my downlines and is great for cheap Paid to Promote (PTP) activity. The basic premise of the site is that you either earn or buy credits and then spend them in attracting people to join your downline in programs.


How then do you earn credits?Your first option is to join the downline of another members program. This may seem very simple – and is – but try and join a program that you are really likely to use. If you get a reputation as someone who joins programs but then becomes inactive you are likely to hit trouble later on both by being denied the chance to join programs and members not joining your downlines.

Having joined GetRef then to join a program you select “Earn” from the Home Page and then select “Earn Credits by Joining a Program”. You are presented firstly with a list of the Top 7 Paying Programs (those for which you earn most credits) and below this programs for which credits are offered are grouped by <> <> <> <> <> <>.

When you select a program you may be faced with offers from a number of members (promoters). You may be anxious to just simply earn the most available credit(s). To help you make a decision you are given information about the promoters of the program – The Promoter Rating (how many times a user has accepted an earn request); The Earners Rating (This tells you how many times a user has been accepted for an earn request) and finally the total rating. You may be more comfortable going with an experienced promoter or just go for the most credit(s). For my part I tend to choose a newbie with a promoter rating of zero to give them a chance to build a downline and help encourage them to use GetRef; the way I see it the more active users of GetRef the better for everyone.

Having chosen your program select it by clicking on the program name next to the promoter of your choice. On the page that comes up you will see a description of the program written by the promoter and you are given the chance to rate the description. Some of the descriptions are dire and others very full. Personally I use this to state conditions to be met before I will hand over the credit(s). A summary of the promoter’s history is given and you are then given a stark choice of Agree or Back. If you choose the Agree button you are committed to joining or it will affect your Earners Rating. Finally, if you agree to join, you are given the link to join the program by and full instructions on what to do to gain your credit(s).

Tip 1. Let the join link open a new window – do not right click and select new tab it doesn’t work properly.
Tip 2. When you go to the site and join it may be necessary to carry out an action in a confirmation e-mail; if you don’t do this the promoter will not see you in their downline.

Now all you can do is use the program and wait for the promoter to authorise your credit(s). If this hasn’t happened in 72 hours you may force the transaction to gain your credit(s).

The second way to earn credits is by selecting “Earn” from the Home Page and then selecting “Earn Credits by clicking links”. You are presented with (a very long) table of small ads which shows the link and also how much credit you will get for viewing the page for 15 seconds. The amount for each individual ad is very small but you can build credits very quickly with a good session of clicking. Why do people put these links here? I will discuss this when dealing with your Spend options.

The third way to earn credits is by referring others to GetRef. For each member you directly refer you will receive two credits. I do not plan to expand on this option here other than to say I regularly run GetRef banners in Traffic Exchanges.In addition to earning credits you can also buy credits following the “Buy Credits” link from the Home Page. $10 will buy you 40 credits (50 if you are a Gold Member) and you can spin these credits out a long way.


OK. Let’s assume you have some credit and look at how you can spend it.

Following the Spend link from the Home Page you can (if you have at least two credits) select <<>>. It is possible to promote over 2200 programs on GetRef so just select your program from the list that comes up.The first thing to enter on the form you first see is your program referral ID. Be careful - as it says on the page - the referral ID is not necessarily the same as your login id. For example, my Wordlinx login id is jjlp86 but my referral link id is 20953. Enter the total number of credits you are assigning to this program and the credits per referral. This could be as simple as 2 and 2 but on popular programs I tend to offer 2.2 credits; just a little more to help you get towards the top of the program listing. Do not go mad and offer way over the odds - these credits are hard earned! However, if you offer just 2 credits for Adbux, which claims around 500,000 members, then the chances that hell may have frozen over before someone joins using your link is spectacularly high! Having assigned credits select Update and test your referral link. All you have left to do now is write a description of the program. Please take some care over this – nothing puts me off joining a program under a promoter more than when they have either not bothered with a description or made little effort. To say “$0.01 per click” tells me nothing! Is there anything you know which will help me get the best out of the program? Remember that an honest user is not just using the program to build your downline but to earn cash.

The program description also gives you the chance to set out conditions which you expect to be achieved before you will authorise credit. For instance, at the time of writing I am looking to grow my downline at and in my description it clearly states “I will only credit those who surf 100 sites in 2 days. I do not get credit from EasyHits4u until this has been achieved!” Everybody knows where they stand and if people either choose not to join or to join and not fulfil the conditions you have not wasted your credits.
You will be notified by e-mail when someone joins your program. Check your program to see that someone has indeed joined (I have had it happen that someone joined incorrectly or failed to reply to the confirmation email) and when you visit you will find on the Home Page <> simply click on this and it will give you the chance to review the transaction before you Accept or Decline the person signing up to your program. Think very, very, carefully before you decline someone and, if possible, mail them to tell them why you have done so.

That’s it - you have started your first downline using! So, having covered how to Earn credits and Spend credits to create a downline let’s look at using GetRef to make some money! When discussing Earn options I mentioned the option to earn by clicking links. Now we need to look at why, at any time, there are so many links there. The answer is very simply - Paid to Promote (PTP). At many PTC sites like Donkeymails and No-minimum you get paid to promote the site at a list of approved sites. On many of them GetRef is indeed on the approved list. If you have credits and after selecting Spend you select <> you can then add a PTP link.How does this work?

Let me take you through some basic maths based on my PTP link for Donkeymails. On Donkeymails you are paid $0.75 for every thousand credits. In the last 12 days I have had my link in GetRef clicked 1769 times of which 1627 were valid clicks and these clicks made me 796 credits. To get 1000 credits at Donkeymails for $0.75 would, if this sample is representative (and I believe it is), mean my GetRef link would need 2222 clicks to earn $0.75 cents. So how much do these clicks cost? You set the price! If you follow the Buy link you will see that the current notional cost of one GetRef credit is $0.25.

Let’s not get too boring with the Maths but the simple fact is that the break even point for Donkeymails PTP is 0.0013 credits and by buying the links at any cost lower than this you are making a profit! For instance if you bought clicks at 0.0010 you would make a profit of $0.19 (34% profit). A purchase of credits at $10 for 40 Credits allows you to both build downline and earn profit via PTP. However if you upgrade to Gold Membership you get 25% more credits for your money and with a notional cost of only $0.20 per credit if you bought links at 0.0010 credits you would make a profit of $0.30 (55% profit).

So that’s it; how to earn credit and then go on and spend it. There is much more to discover when you join. Gold membership is a steal – you get 10% of downline earnings 5 levels deep and as a Gold member you get random referrals so the number of referrals adds very quickly! Do make use of the message board it will help you to get used to the program much more quickly.One little thing to look out for is the monthly draw. You can make money; get gold membership and win free credits in the monthly draw. As you progress through the site on a daily basis you can earn up to three tickets - so use the program every day and you increase your chances in the monthly draw!

Overall this is a brilliant program. Anyone wanting to build a downline for any program should be a member and it is a great cash converter for PTP programs but you should remember the more you put in the more you will get out.I haven’t written this to try and get referrals but if you would like to join with me my link is:

For me the aim of this review is simply to let you know how the program works and hopefully in enough detail so that you don’t just wander around aimlessly if (when) you join. I hope this has been of some use to you.

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Sunday, 21 October 2007

Is Make Free Money Online a Scam?

Is this another Paid to Click Scam?

From the very beginning I have been a big supporter of MFMO and have built a nice downline. I even refrained from writing badly about it when Chrissy the Admin had the awful problems with PayPal. In fact since the 27th of August I have been incredibly patient.

One of the reasons for my patience was that I had not intended to look for cashout but was waiting to Upgrade at Level 4. On Friday the day came to upgrade and absolutely nothing has happened. In fact no payment processor has been put in place since PayPal told him to stop so I fear now that MFMO is ended.

In most cases that would be the end of it for me however I did a Whois look-up and would you believe the admin lives only about 30 miles away from me! I shall mail Chrissy again and if I get no answer watch this space

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Thursday, 18 October 2007

A Good Day

Daddybux is Back

I was probably the last person to find this out but Daddybux is back and operating normally.

On one of the forums I read it is being suggested that the site was suspended for an unpaid bill. If so it gives a terrible impression to members and advertisers alike but nonetheless it is back so hooray!

Since Daddybux disappeared I have been looking more closely at the terms and conditions of all the PTC sites I have joined and, in effect, they are able to just change things as they like or just take a holiday totally ignoring members. I guess at least the people at have mailed members to say they were "updating the system after pre-launch". Will they reappear?

Opinion Bar Surveys

I have long thought that Opinion Bar was a scam but not really aired my views. I got a few surveys to start with and relatively quickly approached the earning threshold of £10. As I approached the threshold my survey invites dried up and I presumed that was that. Today, however, I got a new survey which takes me over the £10 so I have requested payment. It just now remains to be seen whether the money hits my bank account (payment is by Electronic Money Transfer).

Edit: 14 May 2008 And yes in the end I did get paid - surveys here are very very slow coming and the payment is slow too - but it is not a scam!

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Monday, 15 October 2007

DaddyBux hits the dust?

DaddyBux Paid to Click suspended by Host

It looks like the latest PTC to fall is DaddyBux. Despite a message saying that the domain is undergoing unscheduled maintenance the URL used for the message is quite telling

Why would fasthost refer the domain to their suspended page unless there was trouble. Despite attempts to contact fasthost there has been no reply as yet. I will update this page if I get further news.

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Saturday, 13 October 2007

Michael Badger Campaign

Affiliate Marketing

I just came across a new marketing campaign that Michael Badger has put together, and I have to say it is one of the most innovative campaigns I have seen in a very long time. I have a feeling that this thing is going to take off and turn into a huge viral explosion - one that we will all remember for a long time!

What works about it is that there is a very compelling hook - he is offering to GIVE you a free monthly income with no buying, selling or recruiting. At first I thought that it was just another hyped up website, but after I read only a few lines of the copy on the main page, I realized that this one might actually be different.

Michael very quickly gets into the nuts and bolts of exactly how he is going to accomplish the task of giving so many people a monthly income. It is basically a profit sharing model. He is going to be launching a new membership site offering small business owners and marketers a service in a few months. It is from that service that he will allocate funds to be divided among a pool of people. All you have to do to be part of the pool is sign up now to receive his newsletter and announcements about the upcoming service.

And that's it - you just sign up and you will receive part of his profits.

It's a pretty cool idea really. In essence what he has done is taken the portion of his budget that would have gone into advertising and put it into getting the word out about his service in a big way.

It's an interesting campaign that you may as well sign up for - it's free after all. Or, just take a look for the innovative marketing idea Michael has put together.

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Friday, 12 October 2007

Adsentive PTP has gone!

Here's a new one (scam?).

I've not seen this happen before - I guess there's a first time for everything. On the Adsentive site the PTP has been reduced from an attractive $0.70 CPM to nothing. No warning has been given and I'm guessing there are many people out there that have paid good money for and are now stuck with ads that will make no income at all.

I've always made it part of my routine to check every day the PTP performance of sites. Today was a good day to have done so. I assume the owner has decided that the rate was too high now that memberships are slowing down. The lack of communication is making me believe that I perhaps should not be waiting with breath held for the payment I am due.

Give this program a wide berth until I can report I have been paid!

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Tuesday, 9 October 2007 Bux Back!! Returns

A bland statement saying:

Oct. 08, 2007 - domain shut down due to sabotage!

announces the return of It returned at about 13:40 GMT.

The word I am picking up on is that members of the Adbux forums flamed the ISP complaining that was a scam. Well, seem to have satisfied their ISP and they are back up and running - long may it be so!

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Monday, 8 October 2007 Bux Gone Scam Pulled?

It looks like today is the day that many of us have been expecting for some time and is no longer!

I'd managed to get up to $5 but I never really expected to see anything from them I was just there to see what happened. There are rumours that they have been banned by their ISP and intend to be up and running when they have found a new home. I don't happen to believe that but will keep an eye out for them for a little while just in case.

More and more of the $0.01 ad sites have been failing or proving to be a scam. Stick to the best known and reliable payers. MFMO has been my favourite for a very long time but has hit problems with PayPal which are causing real problems. I'm sticking with it until a new Pay system is in place.

Best for ads at the moment for me is Linkgrand. It is only $0.003 per mail and $0.0009 per referral mail - but I trust it! Payout is only $5.

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