In a number of the posts on this blog I have identified that, however good the site might be, getting referrals was the key to making real money from the site. Therein lies the rub, for to make real cash you need the referrals and it generally takes a relatively large budget to find your referrals unless you are either lucky or are trusted by a large network of friends and / or colleagues who are willing to follow you lead. No longer! is in essence a referral exchange. You earn credits in one of four ways:
- Buying them (although if you are considering this you should join the Gold programme as your money buys you 25% more credits)
- By joining another members programme
- By clicking links to other members ads (a bit like checking out the classifieds)
- By generating referrals to itself.
Joining is free and very simple to do. You can register and be a member in just a few minutes!
At the top of the page is a list of areas for you to use (although some are restricted to Gold members). These are Home: Earn: View Earned: Spend: View Pending: Ban User (Gold): Message Board: My Stats: How To: FAQ: Referrals: Gold: Buy Credits: LogOut.
Can I recommend that the new user spends time reading How To, FAQ and the Message Board before going any further. If you don't it's a bit like trying to put flat pack furniture together without reading the instructions first - You might just get it right, but you'll probably get it right a lot quicker if you find out "How To".
Having gleaned all the information from these sources it's now time to get earning credits. There are plenty of credits available to the new user from the earn option "Earn credits by clicking links" so you may as well harvest these.
Then you can earn by following the link to "Earn credits by joining a program" . Might I suggest you research the options carefully and be sure you are signing up for something you are going to use. The other users credits have not come cheaply in either monetary or time terms and this type of exchange cannot afford to have time-wasters in it. If you sign up (and are accepted)- use the programme! A little note of interest which might pass some by is that you must earn at least 1 credit every three months for your programmes to be seen by other members - you can't just take you have to put something back.
You might also think about how you will get referrals to itself in order to accumulate more credits. You get 2 credits for each referral and 10% of your downline credits to five levels deep.
OK - You've got some credits. What are you going to do with them? You want referrals don't you? Go to the Spend section and select "Buy Referrals for your program". You can select the programme you want referrals for (you did check it was included when you signed up didn't you?) and follow the very clear instructions. Good luck.
The other spend option is to "Buy exposures for your link" which is like the classified ads section. Be careful how you use this and make sure your link is working properly!
Beyond this I think it is time to go off and explore. I would be delighted to have you with me on my downline and you can follow any of the links on this page to do so.
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