In the case of surveys - Well yes it can! But, is it worth all the hassle? You must have a clear idea of what you are trying to achieve and of the trustworthy sites that you will get paid from and what amounts you are likely to make. Writing Blogs? We'll see! I also look at Paid to Read and some other Affiliate Programs

Thursday, 25 October 2007

Paid to Click Delight

Gives Me Some Heart

One of the smaller sites I have been following for a while is EuroCentBux. This has around 2000 members and is bilingual (Anglo-French) offering a small number of ads each day.

Yesterday I spotted a new newsletter and the English was not exactly brilliant - in fact I found it easier to read the French version and I've not used French for many years (about 30!). I contacted the admin asking if he wanted me to tidy it up. This I did.

My next contact was the admin thanking me and offering me a free ad. What a gentleman! We hear so many stories of greed and avarice around online earings I thought it was wonderful to find someone acting so honourably. This has restored my faith somewhat in the industry.

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Monday, 22 October 2007

GetRef Review is a free to join site which has become absolutely central to all of my activity in Paid to Read (PTR) and Paid to Click (PTC) type programs. It is central to the development of my downlines and is great for cheap Paid to Promote (PTP) activity. The basic premise of the site is that you either earn or buy credits and then spend them in attracting people to join your downline in programs.


How then do you earn credits?Your first option is to join the downline of another members program. This may seem very simple – and is – but try and join a program that you are really likely to use. If you get a reputation as someone who joins programs but then becomes inactive you are likely to hit trouble later on both by being denied the chance to join programs and members not joining your downlines.

Having joined GetRef then to join a program you select “Earn” from the Home Page and then select “Earn Credits by Joining a Program”. You are presented firstly with a list of the Top 7 Paying Programs (those for which you earn most credits) and below this programs for which credits are offered are grouped by <> <> <> <> <> <>.

When you select a program you may be faced with offers from a number of members (promoters). You may be anxious to just simply earn the most available credit(s). To help you make a decision you are given information about the promoters of the program – The Promoter Rating (how many times a user has accepted an earn request); The Earners Rating (This tells you how many times a user has been accepted for an earn request) and finally the total rating. You may be more comfortable going with an experienced promoter or just go for the most credit(s). For my part I tend to choose a newbie with a promoter rating of zero to give them a chance to build a downline and help encourage them to use GetRef; the way I see it the more active users of GetRef the better for everyone.

Having chosen your program select it by clicking on the program name next to the promoter of your choice. On the page that comes up you will see a description of the program written by the promoter and you are given the chance to rate the description. Some of the descriptions are dire and others very full. Personally I use this to state conditions to be met before I will hand over the credit(s). A summary of the promoter’s history is given and you are then given a stark choice of Agree or Back. If you choose the Agree button you are committed to joining or it will affect your Earners Rating. Finally, if you agree to join, you are given the link to join the program by and full instructions on what to do to gain your credit(s).

Tip 1. Let the join link open a new window – do not right click and select new tab it doesn’t work properly.
Tip 2. When you go to the site and join it may be necessary to carry out an action in a confirmation e-mail; if you don’t do this the promoter will not see you in their downline.

Now all you can do is use the program and wait for the promoter to authorise your credit(s). If this hasn’t happened in 72 hours you may force the transaction to gain your credit(s).

The second way to earn credits is by selecting “Earn” from the Home Page and then selecting “Earn Credits by clicking links”. You are presented with (a very long) table of small ads which shows the link and also how much credit you will get for viewing the page for 15 seconds. The amount for each individual ad is very small but you can build credits very quickly with a good session of clicking. Why do people put these links here? I will discuss this when dealing with your Spend options.

The third way to earn credits is by referring others to GetRef. For each member you directly refer you will receive two credits. I do not plan to expand on this option here other than to say I regularly run GetRef banners in Traffic Exchanges.In addition to earning credits you can also buy credits following the “Buy Credits” link from the Home Page. $10 will buy you 40 credits (50 if you are a Gold Member) and you can spin these credits out a long way.


OK. Let’s assume you have some credit and look at how you can spend it.

Following the Spend link from the Home Page you can (if you have at least two credits) select <<>>. It is possible to promote over 2200 programs on GetRef so just select your program from the list that comes up.The first thing to enter on the form you first see is your program referral ID. Be careful - as it says on the page - the referral ID is not necessarily the same as your login id. For example, my Wordlinx login id is jjlp86 but my referral link id is 20953. Enter the total number of credits you are assigning to this program and the credits per referral. This could be as simple as 2 and 2 but on popular programs I tend to offer 2.2 credits; just a little more to help you get towards the top of the program listing. Do not go mad and offer way over the odds - these credits are hard earned! However, if you offer just 2 credits for Adbux, which claims around 500,000 members, then the chances that hell may have frozen over before someone joins using your link is spectacularly high! Having assigned credits select Update and test your referral link. All you have left to do now is write a description of the program. Please take some care over this – nothing puts me off joining a program under a promoter more than when they have either not bothered with a description or made little effort. To say “$0.01 per click” tells me nothing! Is there anything you know which will help me get the best out of the program? Remember that an honest user is not just using the program to build your downline but to earn cash.

The program description also gives you the chance to set out conditions which you expect to be achieved before you will authorise credit. For instance, at the time of writing I am looking to grow my downline at and in my description it clearly states “I will only credit those who surf 100 sites in 2 days. I do not get credit from EasyHits4u until this has been achieved!” Everybody knows where they stand and if people either choose not to join or to join and not fulfil the conditions you have not wasted your credits.
You will be notified by e-mail when someone joins your program. Check your program to see that someone has indeed joined (I have had it happen that someone joined incorrectly or failed to reply to the confirmation email) and when you visit you will find on the Home Page <> simply click on this and it will give you the chance to review the transaction before you Accept or Decline the person signing up to your program. Think very, very, carefully before you decline someone and, if possible, mail them to tell them why you have done so.

That’s it - you have started your first downline using! So, having covered how to Earn credits and Spend credits to create a downline let’s look at using GetRef to make some money! When discussing Earn options I mentioned the option to earn by clicking links. Now we need to look at why, at any time, there are so many links there. The answer is very simply - Paid to Promote (PTP). At many PTC sites like Donkeymails and No-minimum you get paid to promote the site at a list of approved sites. On many of them GetRef is indeed on the approved list. If you have credits and after selecting Spend you select <> you can then add a PTP link.How does this work?

Let me take you through some basic maths based on my PTP link for Donkeymails. On Donkeymails you are paid $0.75 for every thousand credits. In the last 12 days I have had my link in GetRef clicked 1769 times of which 1627 were valid clicks and these clicks made me 796 credits. To get 1000 credits at Donkeymails for $0.75 would, if this sample is representative (and I believe it is), mean my GetRef link would need 2222 clicks to earn $0.75 cents. So how much do these clicks cost? You set the price! If you follow the Buy link you will see that the current notional cost of one GetRef credit is $0.25.

Let’s not get too boring with the Maths but the simple fact is that the break even point for Donkeymails PTP is 0.0013 credits and by buying the links at any cost lower than this you are making a profit! For instance if you bought clicks at 0.0010 you would make a profit of $0.19 (34% profit). A purchase of credits at $10 for 40 Credits allows you to both build downline and earn profit via PTP. However if you upgrade to Gold Membership you get 25% more credits for your money and with a notional cost of only $0.20 per credit if you bought links at 0.0010 credits you would make a profit of $0.30 (55% profit).

So that’s it; how to earn credit and then go on and spend it. There is much more to discover when you join. Gold membership is a steal – you get 10% of downline earnings 5 levels deep and as a Gold member you get random referrals so the number of referrals adds very quickly! Do make use of the message board it will help you to get used to the program much more quickly.One little thing to look out for is the monthly draw. You can make money; get gold membership and win free credits in the monthly draw. As you progress through the site on a daily basis you can earn up to three tickets - so use the program every day and you increase your chances in the monthly draw!

Overall this is a brilliant program. Anyone wanting to build a downline for any program should be a member and it is a great cash converter for PTP programs but you should remember the more you put in the more you will get out.I haven’t written this to try and get referrals but if you would like to join with me my link is:

For me the aim of this review is simply to let you know how the program works and hopefully in enough detail so that you don’t just wander around aimlessly if (when) you join. I hope this has been of some use to you.

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Sunday, 21 October 2007

Is Make Free Money Online a Scam?

Is this another Paid to Click Scam?

From the very beginning I have been a big supporter of MFMO and have built a nice downline. I even refrained from writing badly about it when Chrissy the Admin had the awful problems with PayPal. In fact since the 27th of August I have been incredibly patient.

One of the reasons for my patience was that I had not intended to look for cashout but was waiting to Upgrade at Level 4. On Friday the day came to upgrade and absolutely nothing has happened. In fact no payment processor has been put in place since PayPal told him to stop so I fear now that MFMO is ended.

In most cases that would be the end of it for me however I did a Whois look-up and would you believe the admin lives only about 30 miles away from me! I shall mail Chrissy again and if I get no answer watch this space

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Thursday, 18 October 2007

A Good Day

Daddybux is Back

I was probably the last person to find this out but Daddybux is back and operating normally.

On one of the forums I read it is being suggested that the site was suspended for an unpaid bill. If so it gives a terrible impression to members and advertisers alike but nonetheless it is back so hooray!

Since Daddybux disappeared I have been looking more closely at the terms and conditions of all the PTC sites I have joined and, in effect, they are able to just change things as they like or just take a holiday totally ignoring members. I guess at least the people at have mailed members to say they were "updating the system after pre-launch". Will they reappear?

Opinion Bar Surveys

I have long thought that Opinion Bar was a scam but not really aired my views. I got a few surveys to start with and relatively quickly approached the earning threshold of £10. As I approached the threshold my survey invites dried up and I presumed that was that. Today, however, I got a new survey which takes me over the £10 so I have requested payment. It just now remains to be seen whether the money hits my bank account (payment is by Electronic Money Transfer).

Edit: 14 May 2008 And yes in the end I did get paid - surveys here are very very slow coming and the payment is slow too - but it is not a scam!

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Monday, 15 October 2007

DaddyBux hits the dust?

DaddyBux Paid to Click suspended by Host

It looks like the latest PTC to fall is DaddyBux. Despite a message saying that the domain is undergoing unscheduled maintenance the URL used for the message is quite telling

Why would fasthost refer the domain to their suspended page unless there was trouble. Despite attempts to contact fasthost there has been no reply as yet. I will update this page if I get further news.

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Saturday, 13 October 2007

Michael Badger Campaign

Affiliate Marketing

I just came across a new marketing campaign that Michael Badger has put together, and I have to say it is one of the most innovative campaigns I have seen in a very long time. I have a feeling that this thing is going to take off and turn into a huge viral explosion - one that we will all remember for a long time!

What works about it is that there is a very compelling hook - he is offering to GIVE you a free monthly income with no buying, selling or recruiting. At first I thought that it was just another hyped up website, but after I read only a few lines of the copy on the main page, I realized that this one might actually be different.

Michael very quickly gets into the nuts and bolts of exactly how he is going to accomplish the task of giving so many people a monthly income. It is basically a profit sharing model. He is going to be launching a new membership site offering small business owners and marketers a service in a few months. It is from that service that he will allocate funds to be divided among a pool of people. All you have to do to be part of the pool is sign up now to receive his newsletter and announcements about the upcoming service.

And that's it - you just sign up and you will receive part of his profits.

It's a pretty cool idea really. In essence what he has done is taken the portion of his budget that would have gone into advertising and put it into getting the word out about his service in a big way.

It's an interesting campaign that you may as well sign up for - it's free after all. Or, just take a look for the innovative marketing idea Michael has put together.

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Friday, 12 October 2007

Adsentive PTP has gone!

Here's a new one (scam?).

I've not seen this happen before - I guess there's a first time for everything. On the Adsentive site the PTP has been reduced from an attractive $0.70 CPM to nothing. No warning has been given and I'm guessing there are many people out there that have paid good money for and are now stuck with ads that will make no income at all.

I've always made it part of my routine to check every day the PTP performance of sites. Today was a good day to have done so. I assume the owner has decided that the rate was too high now that memberships are slowing down. The lack of communication is making me believe that I perhaps should not be waiting with breath held for the payment I am due.

Give this program a wide berth until I can report I have been paid!

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Tuesday, 9 October 2007 Bux Back!! Returns

A bland statement saying:

Oct. 08, 2007 - domain shut down due to sabotage!

announces the return of It returned at about 13:40 GMT.

The word I am picking up on is that members of the Adbux forums flamed the ISP complaining that was a scam. Well, seem to have satisfied their ISP and they are back up and running - long may it be so!

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Monday, 8 October 2007 Bux Gone Scam Pulled?

It looks like today is the day that many of us have been expecting for some time and is no longer!

I'd managed to get up to $5 but I never really expected to see anything from them I was just there to see what happened. There are rumours that they have been banned by their ISP and intend to be up and running when they have found a new home. I don't happen to believe that but will keep an eye out for them for a little while just in case.

More and more of the $0.01 ad sites have been failing or proving to be a scam. Stick to the best known and reliable payers. MFMO has been my favourite for a very long time but has hit problems with PayPal which are causing real problems. I'm sticking with it until a new Pay system is in place.

Best for ads at the moment for me is Linkgrand. It is only $0.003 per mail and $0.0009 per referral mail - but I trust it! Payout is only $5.

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Friday, 21 September 2007

Tarbux Scam

I find that after a few days of no ads today we see the old server under maintenance screen - the same as we did with

Unfortunately it is impossible to find the owners of the site from a Whois query as they are hidden behind a GoDaddy proxy. Anybody in the States want to have a look?

Chrissy at MFMO is having troubles but is open about what is going on - Support him and seek out the scummy scammers.

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MFMO Troubles

This is the news. I will comment in another post!


I have received some of the worse news I have ever received in my life.

I think you know what’s coming ..

Paypal have permanently closed my account …

… for the sale of Multi Level Marketing !

Apparently they have reviewed it, required more info, reinvestigated and have closed and rejected a right to appeal.

Never in a million years would I have imagined this would happen. I made last minute changes on recommendation of many people, I read and re read their terms, and have pretty much jumped through every hoop, and yet they still do this.

What makes me so annoyed is that they will not negotiate. They are not willing to let me know the changes they want. You would not believe how fuming i am !

Paypal have put a massive downer on MFMO. It has made a lot of work and caused alot of upset.

Its moments like this that can make or break not just a site / program, but also a person.

Paypal are not my pal …
they might have put a real stop on MFMO and defiantly done our reputation some damage, but having it made clear that I am to shut up and walk away just means they can stick their business up their butts !
I am working on trying to get funds into my Alertpay and Egold accounts.
Living in the UK makes funding Alertpay pretty tough and with them not been too popular with advertisers or upgraders those accounts have not really taken much. Once Alertpay approve my documents i will be able to transfer cash between my EG and Alertpay account. I know this still leave loads of people wondering what they are gonna do for cashouts, but, stick with me for a minute ..!
Mobillcash and google checkout have not been bad for taking money, they are no good for paying you your commissions, but they create the funds I would need to buy any offline gift cards, postal orders, sending cheques etc …

Google checkout is simple to purchase through, so if you still only use them bum wipes over at paypal to buy things online with, please seriously consider them as a purchasing option. They are not fully integrated into the ads pages of MFMO so if you would like to buy advertising through google checkout then please get in touch and i shall create a button (till i can get it coded dynamical into the ads pages that is!!

Now before I go any further i just need to clear one thing up. I have mentioned it before and need to mention it again to stress the point.

We do not use moneybookers for payouts. They do not like GPT sites, and its going to take me a while to pick up the pieces from our Paypal whirlwind!

I do not want to go through this again as i need moneybookers for other projects.

If MFMO is to have any kind of future I am afraid that we are gonna have to make a couple of changes.
The 1st one is totally out of my hands and something that I can do nothing about (except maybe tell you about !) no longer use paypal for taking or making online payments and never will again.

The next is not just a preventative measure, its also so as to try and get MFMO back to the way we were 5 weeks ago.
The minimum payout for alertpay and egold will have to raise to $3. I appreciate this is a huge step but one of the very few clues PP give me why my account was suspicious was all the transactions each day for just $1. By raising the minimum payout it will stall payouts a lil’ so i get a chance to catch up as and will obviously not be doing as many transactions. This is a tough decision and I know a lot of you joined because the $1 payout banner. But please try and understand that I am proposing this change to give MFMO a chance for survival.

So what about those who have no alertpay or egold account?

If all you would do with the money you cashout to PP is spend it somewhere else online then perhaps consider opening either an Alertpay or and Egold account just for spending it online!

If you are tied into PP because you pull the cashout into your bank then US and CAN can currently transfer cash into Alertpay. And Egold has many trusted sites to sell your Egold. (i shall have a recommendation by the weekend as i am just trying one site out for buying EG)

Its also interesting to know that once you verify your Alertpay account you can then withdraw to or fund from Egold.

This is going to take a lil time to suss out but what i plan on doing is as follows: (and this list is in no way complete! I will need your input to make it happen!!)


UK users can request a postal order (£5min) or online vouchers or gift cards (£10 min) (please bear in mind the conversion ratio)

US users can request online vouchers and gift cards ($10 min)

AUS users also can request vouchers and gift cards ($10 min(aussie dollars!!))

Eventually i want to be able to just send out cheques but at present do not have an account that allows this. For now we will just have to wait and see if my friends from some other countries will get back and and be willing to help with ideas for gifts in their country !!

I plan on sending out our 1st requests for payment by Monday, Please do not expect instant payout When the button goes live its unfortunately a race till the account are cleared out! (in the case of egold and alertpay that is!!) We are going to have maybe one of the largest payout queues in the whole entire GPT galaxy ! It will certainly be a challenge to process !

If you are reading this and would like to cashout a particular voucher or gift card from your country then please use the contact form over at MFMO to let me know and i shall get them ordered and processed asap. Many of you will have large account balances and if you would like to redeem them for any kind of (legit) online vouchers or types of prepaid cards then please do suggest. If they can be brought online i will review it and see what we can cook up!!

Think like department store / supermarket / Amazon / ..etc.. vouchers are totally practically too. They may as well be cash with what you can but with them!! I just need to know what the different department stores are around the world!!

Another suggestion a friend had was Itunes ..?

I dunno!

I need your input!!

Unfortunately these options will have a charge. Each charge will be clear for each option we make and is only to cover any charges i shall incur such as processing fees, stamps envelopes (if pap’!) If its going to cost more than $13 for a $10 request then some different ideas will need to be had! Lets just bang our heads together and see what ideas we can come up with for now.

Our final change is to the way that our current PTSU section works. (or more to the point doesn’t!)
This is a lil off topic when you consider our main issues, but i think its important you know. The change below will not actually change for another week or two at least!.

So, the change …

To get credit for an offer, members will have to be active for at least 5 days and approved by the advertiser.

For those of you who use the PTSU section honestly (thanks!) this will not affect you are you will only be joining sites that interest you (or at least should be!!)

Many users try and abuse the PTSU section as they think it can be an easy 15c. To ensure real value to our advertisers, they will receive receive an email of user names to confirm as active.

I will still be doing the primary check so you will still need to paste in the confirmation email your receive from the offer and that you have not been credited for this ad from a potential advertiser. Its just the advertiser has to then let me know who is playing by the new rules.

The value of offers will change too. I plan on bring it down 10c so that i do not have to charge extra for the extra time incurred verifying EVERY sign up with the advertiser.

If the program you joined did not send a confirmation email then please paste in the email address you used, your username if applicable and the date you joined.

I will change the PTSU section to reflect these changes and enhance the importance of the new rules, for now though i just want you to be aware, that, that section is going to under go a real rethink !

I have to make a really big apology for not been more prepared and having at least some kind of backup plan. I feel embarrassed like you would not believe.

I honestly thought PP would come round and at least communicate, but they do not. Just freeze. Keep you in the dark and eventually slap you on the botty on say ‘Do one’

I unfortunately feel that this is going to be come a common thing. If they done this to me for MFMO, the surly other sites must be getting roughed up by them big bullies too?

PP have now said i can request my funds and Naturally i have requested to withdraw everything to my bank (i say everything, its not exactly loads!!!), will change the email to an unused email try and remove any personal info and do as they have suggested and shut up and leave.

I will be usuing my yuwie blog to air my vexes and let off a lil more steam. (I do not want to curse at MFMO!)

I will continue to work on getting more ways to pay for advertising as well as more options for redemptions and payouts.

I am also still trying to redesign MFMO.
Once done i plan a few things that i just know will get us back to where we where that very long 5 weeks ago ..

Trust me …

It will be HUGE !!!!

Thanks for sticking with MFMO too. It may take me a couple of days to get everything changed such as the banners, all the pages, adding the payout options etc .. Once set up i shall restart my own personal advertising campaigns.
I have to admit that i have not been doing much as i was just too embarrassed, but that’s gone, i must have thousands of TE credits just waiting to be used as well as a million safelist credits!! Thats before redeeming all my ads at where i am upgraded !!

Once i am sure everything is covered as far as the new changes are, expect to see my ads around a few places !!!

To our future ..

Chrissy J – MFMO admin

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Monday, 10 September 2007

Survey Hints and Tips

Surveys are all different but some of the tips that I can give are applicable to all the surveys I undertake.

Be Honest

The first thing is, of course, to be completely honest in your replies. When the screening questions begin it can become quite clear exactly what the target group will consist of. For instance, in a survey I recently undertook it was quite obvious from the first couple of questions that they were looking for owner / drivers of luxury car models. I knew that and could have easily lied but didn't - I have a compact and very very rarely drive (I hate it!) . The result? A few days later a better paying survey dealing with the advertising of compacts turned up.

It does you no good, in the longer term, to lie. Survey companies only want people they can trust.

Respond Quickly

This certainly does not apply to all survey companies and I can offer only anecdotal evidence but in my experience if you respond to surveys quickly you will get invited to complete more. If you stop doing them, for any reason, when you pick them back up they do not flow as quickly for some time. Check your Inbox and the survey sites themselves regularly.

Keep your personal profile up to date

Some time ago I went from being a full-time employee to being self-employed. It is important to update your profile of changes such as this in order so that you get correctly targeted surveys to complete.

Surveys To Join

The first thing to be clear about is that you need not pay to join any survey panels. There are ads around for sites which not only expect you to pay them for the information but also expect you to join using their referral id. Don't do it! You can get the same information by spending some time with Google.

Here are the best of the ones I have joined:

Lightspeed. This organisation is regularly sending surveys for completion. Each of them gets you 110 Lightspeed Points. Points can be redeemed for a wide range of goods but most people would probably like to know that 115 Lightspeed Points will get you a £1 PayPal credit.
It is important to logon to the site regularly and complete Mini Polls and Quick Matches. It appears that the more assiduously you complete these the more surveys you get invited to.

There is currently no Affiliate scheme.

YouGov. This is an excellent survey company which has the distinction of being taken very seriously by governments. I have received a steady flow of surveys with rewards from £0.50 to £3.00 covering a wide range of subjects. You will not receive payout until your account reaches £50, and reaching this could take some time, but you will be paid.

There are also regular Prize Draw surveys to carry out with prizes ranging up to £1000.

To be continued...

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Sunday, 9 September 2007

Paid to Read Scams

I think some of the scams running in Paid to Read are now coming to light. The two that concern me the most are and

InternationalMoneyBux opened for a few days and no doubt got lots of sign ups but the site has just been showing a message showing that there is a server problem for ages now. What concerns me is that the owner of the site has taken money from advertisers and those choosing to pay to upgrade and then just moved on to the next scam. From the Whois database the details are:

International Money Bux
Gassino Torinese, n 10090

Created on: 08-AUG-07
Expires on: 08-AUG-08
Last Updated on: 08-AUG-07

Administrative, Technical Contact:
Sergio, Richard
International Money Bux
Gassino Torinese, n 10090
39 335 597-2903

I have emailed asking for reasons for the problems but had no response. Not that I expected any! Before joing any new sites check the Whois for details in case this joker is involved again. Why not e-mail and ask for details yourself if only to annoy his host.


On Topbux added to the Browse Ads page is the note:

Note: If you cannot see much ads, please consider upgrade. Advertisers recent activity shows that they are targetting premium members. upto 90% ads goes to Premium members. TopBux prefers Premium_Pack_1.

The minimum price for the upgrade is $59. Now that represents an awful lot of clicks to be made and I am guessing that those who bought referrals are now finding that not many are getting ads to click on unless they have themselves upgraded. I'm advising everyone to steer well clear of this as the likelihood is that only a very few people will ever reach the payout level.

Sadly in this case the registrant cannot be identified as the domain is anonymously hosted by a provider in Orem, Utah, USA. By the way I've seen loads of ads for them on Traffic Exchanges lately - could they be one and the same?

Let me know if you suspect any other scams - remember IF THE OFFER LOOKS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE IT PROBABLY IS.

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Wednesday, 5 September 2007

I'm Back in Paid to Read World

Paid to Read Meltdown?

I've been away on a forced, and unexpected, break. What do I find? Well I think the main thing is that the main $0.01 Paid to Read sites seem, almost without exception, to be flagging. I am seeing just the same old ads again and again on now down to about 5 per day which is very disappointing. Adbux has a greater number but the value since the site revamp is below that of - in fact I don't know why I'm bothering.

Topbux and Tarbux seem to be just about hanging on. International Money Bux seems to have lasted only a few days and although others like ClixMedia are hanging in there (in fact Clix Media is showing me more ads lately) the real star for me is without doubt Make Free Money Online dot Info. I've been paid twice - although PayPal are being a pain to Chrissy at the moment - the ads keep coming and life is sweet there!

Adsentive is also performing well (PTP paying well here) together with Wordlinx and LinkGrand. Beyong these I frankly wouldn't bother!

I have to report payments from two surveys Global Test and Ciao. More on surveys next post.

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Thursday, 16 August 2007

A Bunch of New Paid to Read sites

New Paid to Read

The Adbux clones just keep coming. With ClikBux, EnglandBux, RealBux, CashBux and InternationalMoneyBux among others. You'll notice I'm not joining them all - there's only so much research I can cope with!

The standout for me amongst the recent sites is Adsentive.

This site is a bit different to the rest in that it offers Paid to Read, Paid to Click, Paid to Search, Paid to Sign up and Paid to Promote all under one roof. Payment is available at a low $3 by PayPal or E-Gold. I have joined this and will use all of these options and report back here in the near future.

I have very high hopes of this site!

Make Free Money Online dot info continues to be a really good earner for me. With the revamp of the site there are more clicks available on a daily basis and they seem to be increasing - a very good sign! With the exceptionally low $1 level for payout I am reaching payout level very quickly. I am building a good downline here.

Get Paid To Click.

As for other sites I am using as my downline builder. I was lucky that my blog entry here won me gold membership for this site - I cannot recommend this site highly enough.


I am very concerned that recently I have only seen self-generated ads coming from them. I know this could be because of geo-targeting of ads but I am really concerned that this site will not be sustainable for much longer.

AWSurveys Scam

It is worth joining Advercash just to read the testimonies of people who have lost money to AWSurveys. I don't care that you may come across, rarely, posts from people who have been paid - there are many out there that have had a miserable experience.

Please remember I will reject anonymous comments!

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Sunday, 12 August 2007

Big PTC Changes

Changes at Adbuddy

Following the recent redesign and other changes at Adbux there are now big big changes at Adbuddy.

08-08-07: Advertising Fee/Member Payout Changes

Many members have voiced their opinions about the lack of ads recently. Unfortunately, we have to agree. What we've learned is that advertisers just don't want to pay 3 to 4 cents per click. The price is too high compared to the return they're receiving. Last month we ran some advertising specials. We ran specials at 2.2 cents per click and 1.2 cents per click. The 2.2 cents per click price point did alright, but the 1.2 cents per click price did much better. This price point made much more sense to advertisers, while providing the largest quantity of ads for members to click. The problem is that a business can't pay out 2 to 2.5 cents per click to members, while only charging 1.2 cents per click to advertisers. The math simply doesn't work out in the long run. So, what do we do? Do we close the site because it's not a viable business model? Or, do we believe it's still a viable business, as long as we change things around a bit? We believe the answer is the later. Effective immediately, here's what we will need to do:

Advertising Fees

In an effort to gain more advertisers, the advertising fees will be lowered to 1.4 to 1.8 cents per click, depending on the quantity purchased. See the AdBuddy.Net advertising page for specific pricing information.

Advertiser Demographic/Geo Targeting

The demographic/geo targeting will remain intact, but it will be relaxed quite a bit. Currently, an advertiser must target at least a minimum of 100 members. We will increase this amount to at least 2000 members. If we need to go higher then we will, but we'll leave it at 2000 for now.

Member Payout

Members will now be paid .5 cent for each advertisement they personally view, and .5 cent for each advertisement their direct referrals view. Upgraded members will earn .7 cents per click on their direct referrals' clicks.

Minimum Payout

The minimum payout will be lowered from $10.00 to $5.00, and payouts will continue to occur on a weekly basis via PayPal.

There are other changes relating to upgraded members etc. However, given the changes at MFMO and Adbux as reality bites what of the future for other 1c PTC sites? Surely we will either see mergers or some biting the dust. Doesn't seem the time to invest in other than Adbux, MFMO or Adbuddy.

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Friday, 3 August 2007

Survey Scam - 2

AWSurveys Scam

From the Advercash Site:

The Scam

I go to the AWSurveys site, quickly sign up as I see the referral rate is $1.25/referral, and when owning a large site such as AdverCash, I think "Goldmine". I then proceed to fill out my information(all of which is 100% legitimate). After reading over the Terms Of Service, finding nothing that could harm me(except the fact that they prune "inactive" referrals), I register.

I refer a few friends and see that it really does give $1.25/referral. Before I add the site to AdverCash I go to double check the Terms Of Service. Oh no! It says "You may not pay users to sign up or view our website (These websites are generally referred to as PTC and we do not allow this kind of advertising unless approved by AWSuveys).". Desregarding the simple spelling error of 'AWSurveys', I immediately mail the administration to see if AdverCash will be allowed to gain the benefits of AWSurveys.

After a day or two of waiting on the support system(kind of slow), I receive a message back. Simply stating that normally they don't like sites of this nature to post the referral link. But they would allow it this time because they "liked our site".

Excellent! I put the ad up on AdverCash, and quickly gain referrals. As the weeks pass, I get enough referrals to have a $500 payout! I go to withdraw, set my amount to $500($475 with the paypal "Service Fee"). After 6 business days pass, I wonder, are they just going to ignore my withdrawal? Usually they at least say your account is fraudulant in some way. At least, that is what others had told me. Regretfully, I ignored their queries and put a link up anyways.

With no payment arriving on my paypal account, I check my email. At last! A message from AWSurveys! I click the e-mail, scan over it quickly, and notice the word "fraudulant". Hmmm...? What's this? I read over it again(more in depth this time), only to find that apparently our account was fraudulant because we were a PTC. That was the whole reason I mailed them, to see if I was allowed, and they had said I was.

Mailing them back, they asked me for the email that I had sent to them assuring that I was allowed. I did not remember to keep a copy... hell, I figured they would just flag my account so that they would remember that they agreed to it, but apparently they didn't keep tabs of it, and were just planning on overlooking it. Don't you think if you agreed to such a thing, you would write it down, mark the account, or do SOMETHING so that you would remember?

Well, I asked them if maybe they had a copy of the message, or if they marked my account(as most any other site would do). No response so far, and honestly, I don't expect one. It has been quite a few days. Before that they were replying within like 2-3 hours. Now it's a few days. I'm done with AWSurveys, and this is my warning to all.

From what I've read, there are a few people who have been paid from AWSurveys. Which is great, congratulations! But, the other 90%(our estimate) of users have said they reached payout, attempted payout, and got flagged for "fraudulant activities". I find it very unlikely that 90%(our estimate) of all people that attempt payout are "fraudulant".

We recommend you don't waste your time with AWSurveys.
Unless you enjoy putting countless time into a site.
Only to find that you gain no benefits from it.

Many people feel they have been scammed by this "service".

Read more

Do not whine here that you weren't warned!

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Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Big Changes at MFMO

$1 Payout At MFMO!.

There are big changes scheduled for today at Make Free Money Online dot Info.

An extract from Chrissy's blog:

I have sat the last week out and it has killed me. MFMO started off great and now seems to have come to a complete standstill. Big Changes are about to happen in order to make MFMO one of the hottest GPT sites on the net.

I know exactly why we are suffering. If our members do not have plenty off ads to click then they will not get busy refering !!!

For a start, we are going to become a 100% referral commission site. I did not want to do this at 1st so that people could afford to advertise, but it would appear that being in the 100% brigade is a vital part of being a busy get paid to site!

We are going to lose the PTR advertising option. Its a lot of messing around of which I am still fluffing thing ups, and with it not exactly being a great seller it most certainly will not be missed.

Without PTR, most profile interests are useless! We will scrap em all and just have say 5-10 making money online related interests and a cheat interest or 2 !

The PTC, Contest PTC and PTSU sections will remain but with some minor tweaks.

This has been one of my favourite sites for some time and with these changes it should be better. It is the honesty of the type displayed in some of the comments in the blog that has attracted me to this site. And by the way - I've Been Paid (and very swiftly when requested).

You must look at this site.

Get Paid To Click.

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Friday, 27 July 2007

Online Earnings 101 - Part 1

I would like to tell you that in generating my online earnings that I've been following a well defined strategy. Unfortunately it has all been a bit "seat of the pants" so far and I am only now really developing a long-term strategy. Nonetheless over the last couple of months, based on currency conversion of £1 = $2 (which isn't too far out), I have generated credits of around $300.

I was careful to use the word credits as I have not received payment from all the programmes I am in but I am counting all programme credits in the total. An outline of the "plan" followed so far has been to join a number of PTR programmes to generate cash; carried out surveys; tried to generate referrals to these sites and research affiliate marketing opportunities.

Surprisingly this blog has, with the use of Adsense, been one of my better earners. As you are probably aware the real money from Adsense is made when someone clicks on one of the ads on your page and you are directly credited. What is less well known is that when you generate enough traffic you start being credited simply for showing the ads. I have found that to generate traffic to this blog and earn this money the easy (and free way) to do it is use Traffic Exchanges.

I currently use three of them Magnify Traffic, Road Runner and EasyHits4U. They all have advantages / disadvantages but I find by using them on tabs in a tabbed browser I can switch between them and generate quite a bit of traffic with very little effort. I try to browse 250 sites on Magnify Traffic and Road Runner each day which gives me around 250 credits all told. In the same time I will only manage around 80 sites on EasyHits4U. Like some people may play solitaire or another game when they have time on their hands I generate traffic. I guess it is boring but using my credits I can guarantee traffic to this blog and this generates Adsense credit without an Ad clicking visitor. On some days this may only be a cent or two on other days fifteen cents although if an ad gets clicked it can generate quite a bit more; on one occasion a single click generated about $1.40!

I'm currently planning the next post in this 101 will look at my favourite survey sites.

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Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Survey Scam

Alert - AWSurveys

I've just picked this up at a forum site that I use:

I had seen a warning from a mylot member that AWSurveys is scam after i had already joined AWS. As i had full confidence in my marketing skills I went ahead and promoted the site too. I reached payout 2 weeks back and accumulatted another $30 in 5 days via references. After the 5 days period i send mail regarding nonpayment but recd no response. After a day or so i found that my account is deleted by the company. I have not done anything wrong according to the FAQ given by the company. I am on the lookout as to whom i should complain against the Company now. I also was surprised to notice that the payout is kept at $75 and out of which $25 paypal charges to be deducted once a payment claim is made. All who have been duped by AWS is requested to raise their voice against the Company. AWSurveys is Advertising with Advertcash too... pls do not fall prey to tthe Company.

I've always been a bit dubious about the numbers being bandied about here but held my counsel - I never joined!

Surveys I trust:

YouGov - UK, US and Middle East - slow earner but good surveys.

Ciao - Various countries - more than a survey site, you can earn good sums by reviewing products.

Global Test Market - Worldwide (I don't have an affiliate link - go to

These are the ones that have paid me!

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Friday, 20 July 2007

A Busy Time for Paid to Read Programs

I've not posted for a while quite deliberately. There has been so much going on that I was hoping for the dust to settle a little. For those of you who don't follow these things there has been real controversy over the Adbux program. A number of people have been questioning the program over whether it was a Ponzi scheme and questioning the involvement of Chad French of Netbux infamy.

Adbux sent out the following e-mail:

In yesterday's newsletter we tried to shed some light on our 3 month long anonymity by explaining how we've founded our parent company - which is a company that will wean its way out of the gimpy "get-paid-to" corner of the Internet and establish a real industry called "incentive based marketing" that will attract main stream advertisers as well as small time website owners to a great way to advertise and market their website/product/service. Our plan was to unveil our parent company name, the owners, the location, contact information, etc. However - there are people out there who envy such an opportunity; people who would love to manage such an innovative and ingenious idea; people who have worked hard their entire entrepreneurial Internet lives to invent such a program that they are willing to go into absolute ludicrousness by creating lies and manipulating the truth. This is why we need to divulge all information now.

My name is Tyler Gibson. I've lead most admin functions on the website as well as fully controlled the forum through our moderators. There is Jayden Williams on e-mail support. There is Aston Miller who also runs administrative functions. Our parent company is Incentrum, LLC. The owners of Incentrum are Chad French and Dustin Cucciarre. The office address is at 665 East Main Street Lake Butler, Florida 32054 USA. The contact number is not yet established but it will be made public within the next couple of weeks. It will not be a number used for AdBux support - but a number for general contact inquiries and the main contact number for our local services that we will provide. Our servers are located in California and our host is Aplus.Net. You will be able to contact the owners (Chad & Dustin) via e-mail at an e-mail address sometime in the near future. Your contact with them should not be support related, but again - for general inquiry.

In case you are not aware of what the entire stink is about - websites like and try to coax the reader into believing that AdBux (and now Incentrum) are out to scam people and steal all their money and run off with it. This is not true. What are their lies founded on? It's simple. In April of 2005 (coincidentally the same month that AdBux launched in 2007) Chad French created a program called Netbux that paid users pennies and then later on paid users shares (of advertisement revenue) to surf the web using Google (at first) and then later on added other popular search engines. The whole idea was to capitalize on each search by displaying the search results in a frame and using the top ¼ of the screen to display ads. At first, Netbux did really well and according to records, Netbux came close to being in the top 1,000 most popular websites on the Internet. Then, it all went down. Google threatened Chad with lawsuits if he didn't remove Google as the search provider and major security vulnerabilities throughout the website exploited by hackers caused major account issues which turned into PayPal disputes, which then finally caused PayPal to freeze the Netbux account with a little over $22,000 that belonged to the members. The payment processor was quickly changed to StormPay and then StormPay froze the Netbux account because of people complaining about their money being unpaid from their PayPal accounts! Actually, StormPay stole all of the money. It wasn't frozen. It was stolen.

90 days after Netbux went down... PayPal unfroze half of the $22,000 ($11,000) and released it back to the rightful owners. Then, after 180 days, PayPal released the rest (at least that's what they say). Chad French never received any money despite the lies that the above websites represent. Those who paid money through StormPay never received their money because StormPay stole it.

2 years later after much gained thought, capital and experience through other online marketing ventures, Chad French came back with AdBux to try again with a fail proof business plan. On April 10th AdBux opened and has been doing great ever since. I (Tyler) came on board early in the game and then Jayden was hired for e-mail support and then Chad partnered with a long time business acquaintance - Dustin Cucciarre.

AdBux from a business point of view is totally genius (look at all the programs that have popped up all over the Internet that are JUST like AdBux). Advertisers come in and pay us $0.03 per click and we then turn around and pay the members $0.03 per click. None of the advertising revenue goes to AdBux or Incentrum. Everyone has a referrer and everyone has the option of upgrading - so therefore we pay out 100%. If a user isn't upgraded or has yet to be referred (through our referral purchase program) then we simply sit on those extra advertising revenues as a cushion to help sponsor our own ads.

The sponsorship of our own ads works incredibly easy. On average, AdBux earns between $50,000 to $70,000 a month just from referral purchases, upgrades and other types of advertising throughout the site (the top ad banner, extra ad revenue from advertisers). We spend around 75% (give or take... it changes every week) on sponsoring and buying our own ads. Therefore, we've created a loop of income for both the company and for the users. AdBux is NOT a ponzi scheme as the above sites mentioned before like to address. A ponzi scheme involves giving high returns through investing and new investors must continue to be recruited in order to pay off earlier investors. Ponzi schemes always fail when it cannot find any more recruits to continue the payouts to the earlier investors.

We hope to eventually dwindle and cease our own sponsorship of ads and let the advertisers control it all. This is what the new ad system promises that will launch on Monday the 16th. We will continue to buy and sponsor our own ads but will ultimately close the sponsorship unless it's needed (if advertisers are slow). Currently, without the new ad system up and not including our own sponsored ads, we are receiving a whopping 840 advertisers per month! Not bad for only 3 months old!

I, along with Chad and Dustin, hope that this letter clears up any doubt in the stability and future of AdBux and its parent - Incentrum. There are lots of plans in store for Incentrum as far as incentive based marketing goes and we would like to take all the loyal members with us. Nobody has uncovered some "secret conspiracy" or high profile criminal business activity. In fact, we in the office thought it was funny at first to read some of the ridiculous postings and websites that have popped up in our offense but now the rumors have seriously gotten out of control to a point to where it's no longer funny.

For any person, any website or any forum who tries to convince you that AdBux is a scam, please stick this letter in their face. We need to try to put a stop to the absurdity so we can move on with the future of AdBux.


I struggled for some time to get my head round all the arguments and [I should note hear that at one part of my life I taught Mathematical Modelling] I modelled and remodelled using all the information I could get and was on the verge of posting here that I was getting out of the program - that is until I had my "eureka moment". Let's consider for one moment that I am involved in Affiliate Marketing and I want to get lots and lots of cheap advertising. Creating Adbux as a vehicle for this would be sheer bloody genius! Pay people to read your ads but once software, hosting and some small admin costs are covered the cost to you of potentially building a massive affiliate downline are really quite small. If you are on the pull for affiliates how do you do it? Advertise! In this case they have built a platform around their own advertising needs and are rolling it out to others. How are the critics costing this? I suspect not at all.

When I put into my models the potential of relatively small numbers of affiliates into the downlines of the owners it all made sense. That is not to say I don't have issues with Adbux because I do. I don't like the relatively high minimum payout level of $10 - I take the view that a truly ethical site owner should start paying at $1 - see Make Free Money Online [more on this site in a moment] - and frankly I'm not seeing many ads and I suspect the site is so US based that not many others are who are non US based are seeing many [today I only saw one ad!].

So whilst I think caution should be exercised we should be sticking with Adbux - but please keep in mind it could be a risk.

Going back to Make Free Money Online there have been a few changes here and generally for the better. Paid to Review has been dropped but replaced by a Paid to Search option. For users the best change is that you get more (double) ads for your dollar if you upgrade making them really good value. This definitely my favourite site at the moment. They are honest about upgrades - you do it to access cheap advertising; they are reacting to changes in the market and there is a realistic low payout threshold which can help draw people new into the Paid to Read game (yes I chose the word carefully).

Effective Online Advertising.

Over the next few days I am going to try and summarise the changes in Paid to Read programs; look at methods to develop a downline [this is where the money is] and how you can drive traffic to your site(s).

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Monday, 9 July 2007

Change in Paid To Read Upgrades

When I reviewed the site Make Free Money Online dot info I may have made a mistake. What I detailed was the Gold upgrade. In fact there is also the chance to upgrade to Platinum level on great terms.

When you upgrade your free membership to a Platinum membership, you will receive the following benefits:

  • X10 Free Referral Priority Upgrade- Your User ID will be randomly nominated for surfers visiting the web site without a referral url. We put a generous percentage of our profit into advertising with a blank referral link.
  • Earn More From Your Downline - Receive an extra 20% from your total downline earnings.
  • More Ads To Click - Advertisers love to target proven buyers and investors. By upgrading your account you will have access to more income.
  • Free Advertising For Your Favorite Program - 2 x 10,000 header banner impressions and 2 x 10,000 footer banner impressions, every month. Show 4 different banners or just 1 for maximum exposure....
  • Plus ...Recieve 200 real visitors to your site - 200 of our members will visit your site for 15 seconds, every month....
  • Plus ...Discounted advertising, AND redemtions - 20% is automaticaly deducted from the price of all ads and upgrades.
  • No Turning Numbers - Without having to stop and check turing numbers you are freeing up time to earn more money.
  • No Minimum Payout - Cashout whenever you wish, Plus, as an upgradered member you will recieve priority payout.

As you can see, the advertising alone pays for the upgrade!!

... Plus ...we will even smother you in warm chocolate ...

Not, really, but we will look after you with priority support, redemptions and payouts as well as other expected benefits of being one of the most vital contributors to this site !

As though this alone was not impressive enough payment starts at $9.99 for one month through to just $100 for 12 months - bargain!

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Thursday, 5 July 2007

Adbuddy Referrals Auctions

There has been a few changes to the prices and conditions lately as the larger paid to read programs compete for business - Clix Media drastically reducing prices and allowing for smaller buys. Now Adbuddy who were not selling referrals are entering the fray with an auction system:

We've been getting lots of questions about purchasing unreferred AdBuddy.Net members. To answer everyone's question, "YES" we will be selling unreferred members. :) We're going to go about it a little differently though, and we think you'll like it. Instead of offering a fixed price for a block of unreferred members, we're going to be auctioning them off. Yep, AdBuddy.Net auctions! We're currently hard at work creating a light weight auction system within the AdBuddy.Net "My Account" area. We should be done with it by the end of this week, and ready to launch by early next week. Here are some highlights of the new referral purchase system:

  1. The system will be auctioned based.

  2. All referrals put up for auction will be "Active" site members.

  3. We will NEVER sell referrals with 0 (zero) clicks (like some other sites).

  4. We will provide real-time click data reports for each block of referrals we put up for auction.

  5. We will provide "Sign-Up", "Last-Login", and "Last-Ad-Viewed" date information for each referral being sold.

  6. Referrals' usernames will remain "private" until auction is over, at which time the referrals will be linked to the auction winner (once payment is made by auction winner).

I like the idea that referrals will all be "Active" site members. One of the problems with other sites has been that very often amongst referrals bought could be a big block of inactive users. Look to the Adbux forums for discussion on this issue. I guess there are going to be some people very busy right now getting their spreadsheets ready for the auctions to come!

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Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Security Problems at Get Paid to Read Site

Adbuddy Complex Password Enforcement

Users of Adbuddy were met with the need to comply with new complex password rules when they logged on today. The site carries this news:

"You probably noticed when you logged in today that you were asked to change your password. In an effort to thwart scammers/hackers (which there seem to be a lot of), we've implemented a "strict" password policy. We've done this to protect our members, advertisers, and the AdBuddy.Net system. Your password must have upper and lower case letters, at least one numeric character, and at least one non alpha/numeric character. We know it's a bit more inconvenient, but we feel it's better in the long run. As always, if you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to contact us via our "Contact Us" form. "

This piece suggests there have been serious issues for Adbuddy but there have been no reports of members having been affected.

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Tuesday, 3 July 2007 - Get Paid to Click changes

Changes to Upgrade Terms Announced

Where else would this be announced other than by an ad on their own site?

Premium Membership

The Premium Membership comes with the following features:

  • Surf Ads guaranteed loaded with 20 ads or more.
  • Priority Payments - get paid in less than 2 hours.» Special Cash Bonus for surf ads and referring members.

Earnings Example:

  • You click 20 ads per day = $0.20
  • 25 premium referrals click 20 ads per day = $5.00
  • Your monthly earnings = $156.00
  • Your total annual earnings = $1,872.00

Processing time: 2 working days.

Premium Membership for 1 Full Year - Premium Package $79.00

In addition to this there is now also the option to buy 15 referrals at $16.98

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Sunday, 1 July 2007

New Paid to Read

Make Free Money Online dot Info

Get Paid To Click.

Here is the chance to get in right at the start of a new paid to read programme. Make Money Free Online dot Info is paying $0.005, $0.01 or $0.02 per read and also offers opportunities to earn via Paid to Sign-up and Paid to Review opportunities.

Without upgrading you can be paid from $1. Benefits of upgrading are:

  • X5 Free Referral Priority Upgrade- Your User ID will be randomly nominated for surfers visiting the web site without a referral url. We put a generous percentage of our profit into advertising with a blank referral link

  • Earn More From Your Downline - Receive an extra 10% from your downline total earnings

  • More Ads To Click - Advertisers love to target proven buyers and investors. By upgrading your account you will have access to more income

  • Free Advertising For Your Favorite Program -1 x 10,000 header banner impressions and 1 x 10,000 footer banner impressions, every month for 1 year. Show 2 different banners or just 1 for maximum exposure

  • Receive 1000 real visitors to your site - 1000 of our members will visit your site for 15 seconds (once)

  • Discounted advertising, AND redemptions - 10% is automatically deducted from the price of all ads

  • No Turing Numbers - Without having to stop and check turing numbers you are freeing up time to earn more money

  • No Minimum Payout - Cashout whenever you wish, Plus, as an upgraded member you will receive priority payout.

A 1 Year Gold Membership is normally $35 but until July 5th is only $25. This looks like a really great deal. I'm in - will I see you there?

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Paid to Read Summary

I thought that today I would just do a quick summary of the new Paid to Read programmes and highlight the differences.


Probably the best known of these programs is Adbux. You get $0.01 for each ad read for 30 seconds. Payment is at $10 through Paypal; I am finding that I get around 5 ads per day. You may upgrade your membership for for $29 for a year or $99 for lifetime. In return you get:

  • Earn $0.015 (that's 50% more per click) for every website you visit
  • Earn $0.015 (that's 50% more per click) for every website your referrals visit
  • Earn up to $3 per referred advertiser (soon)
  • Earn $5 - $20 anytime one of your referrals upgrades
  • Earn $9 anytime one of your referrals purchases un-referred users
  • View more detailed statistics of your downline (last active, premium, etc)
  • Contact your referrals via an un-moderated website messenger (soon)
  • Premium options on the future official AdBux forum (soon)
  • Become a "Verified AdBux Buyer" which indicates to advertisers that you have buying power (which means more ads to click!)

You may also buy referrals at $39.95 for 25.

Very much in the same style of Adbux. I am finding that I get around 5 ads per day as with Adbux. Again payment is at $10 through PayPal. There is currently no upgrade program although referrals can be bought at the rate of $34.95 for 35 members.

Clix Media

Again this is $0.01 per ad read for 30 seconds. The difference here is that payment is made at $5.99 through either PayPal or E-Gold. Upgrade costs have recently been reduced to $29.99 for 1 year and for that you get:

  • +15% first level referrals earnings more
  • 5 free referrals to your downline
    1000 members visit worth 1 cent(one time)
  • Earn Money By Selling our ads (soon).


Adbuddy is the new kid on the block. Like the others it pays $0.01 for a 30 second ad read. Payments are made at $10 through PayPal. Upgrades cost $25 for one year or $75 lifetime benfits are:

  • Earn $0.015 (1.5 cents) for each ad your referrals view. (50% more per click!)

  • Earn $5.00 (20% commission) each time your referrals upgrade to a Premiere account

  • Earn $25.00 (33% commission) each time your referrals upgrade to a Lifetime Premiere account

  • Earn commission on your referrals' AdBuddy.Net advertisements

  • Gain access to additional reporting (ie. Downline reports)

  • Be the first to learn about important AdBuddy.Net news

Whichever of these programmes you join you will earn money; albeit small amounts on your own. The real money to be made is through referrals whether you buy them or you develop them using sites like

One word of caution. If you are not in the US the number of Ads targetted at you will be relatively small - you need US based referrals to make real money!

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Saturday, 30 June 2007

Clix Media - Paid to Read

Another Paid To Read Site

In much the same way as Adbux and the Clix Media site pays you to read ads and pays you $0.01 for each one.

The basis of the site is that having logged in you go to the "Ads" link and you click on the ads which are currently open. You stay for 30 seconds and get a "Payment Recieved" notification and after this you close the window and move on to the next ad. Payment is made at the rate of $0.01 per ad and there is a minimum payment of only $5.99 through PayPal or e-Gold.

One thing I have noticed with these ads is that I am only seeing ads within my stated areas of interest. This is much better than either Adbux or where the adverts do seem rather random.

Premium membership is available at a cost of $29.99 per year. This gets you 5 referrals for your downline and increased payments.

This post comes with something of a health warning in that I have not received a payment yet. Additionally, when I first joined I had terrible problems logging in. I used the contact form on the site and this issue has now been resolved.

I am now accessing a steady flow of adverts about 6 per day. To reach the payment level would, at that rate take 100 days.

Advertisement: Make your opinions heard at YouGov

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Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Another New Favourite!

When you see the site you will be struck immediately by the similarities to the Adbux site. As with Adbux, is very straightforward and easy to use.

The basis of the site is that having joined you go to the "Surf Ads" link and you click on the ads which are currently open. You stay for 30 seconds and get a green tick sign after this you close the window and move on to the next ad. Payment is made at the rate of $0.01 per ad and there is a minimum payment of $10 through PayPal.

At anytime you may buy un-referred members at a price of only $34.95 for 35 members (a better deal than with Adbux). If you are struggling to refer members this will give you guaranteed members at a relatively low price. It does come with a health warning in that you may be unlucky and buy 35 inactive members but I would have thought this unlikely.

This post comes with something of a health warning in that I have not received a payment yet but I know of people who have had their accounts credited. Please follow one of my links to join.

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Sunday, 24 June 2007


In a number of the posts on this blog I have identified that, however good the site might be, getting referrals was the key to making real money from the site. Therein lies the rub, for to make real cash you need the referrals and it generally takes a relatively large budget to find your referrals unless you are either lucky or are trusted by a large network of friends and / or colleagues who are willing to follow you lead. No longer! is in essence a referral exchange. You earn credits in one of four ways:

  1. Buying them (although if you are considering this you should join the Gold programme as your money buys you 25% more credits)

  2. By joining another members programme

  3. By clicking links to other members ads (a bit like checking out the classifieds)

  4. By generating referrals to itself.

Joining is free and very simple to do. You can register and be a member in just a few minutes!

At the top of the page is a list of areas for you to use (although some are restricted to Gold members). These are Home: Earn: View Earned: Spend: View Pending: Ban User (Gold): Message Board: My Stats: How To: FAQ: Referrals: Gold: Buy Credits: LogOut.

Can I recommend that the new user spends time reading How To, FAQ and the Message Board before going any further. If you don't it's a bit like trying to put flat pack furniture together without reading the instructions first - You might just get it right, but you'll probably get it right a lot quicker if you find out "How To".

Having gleaned all the information from these sources it's now time to get earning credits. There are plenty of credits available to the new user from the earn option "Earn credits by clicking links" so you may as well harvest these.

Then you can earn by following the link to "Earn credits by joining a program" . Might I suggest you research the options carefully and be sure you are signing up for something you are going to use. The other users credits have not come cheaply in either monetary or time terms and this type of exchange cannot afford to have time-wasters in it. If you sign up (and are accepted)- use the programme! A little note of interest which might pass some by is that you must earn at least 1 credit every three months for your programmes to be seen by other members - you can't just take you have to put something back.

You might also think about how you will get referrals to itself in order to accumulate more credits. You get 2 credits for each referral and 10% of your downline credits to five levels deep.

OK - You've got some credits. What are you going to do with them? You want referrals don't you? Go to the Spend section and select "Buy Referrals for your program". You can select the programme you want referrals for (you did check it was included when you signed up didn't you?) and follow the very clear instructions. Good luck.

The other spend option is to "Buy exposures for your link" which is like the classified ads section. Be careful how you use this and make sure your link is working properly!

Beyond this I think it is time to go off and explore. I would be delighted to have you with me on my downline and you can follow any of the links on this page to do so.

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